Bump to Baby and Beyond
Are you pregnant, do you feel excited but overwhelmed at the same time? Have a look at our Bump to Baby and Beyond project based at Little Stars Family Hub.
We are here to support you during your pregnancy – accompany you to appointments, support you with your emotional well-being by helping you prepare for motherhood and will continue to support you when your baby arrives and throughout their infancy. Through both individual and group sessions, you will receive help and advice regarding your child’s development, understanding baby’s cues, how to keep them safe and help to recognise what your baby should be doing and when.
The project also provides the opportunity for you to make friends and attend ‘get-together’ groups with your baby? They might make friends too! At the moment with current restrictions, we have one to one support and online sessions with your baby – yes! On Zoom!!

How to Get Support
The Bump to Baby and Beyond Project sits in Hull’s Early Help offer in the east of the city. A self-referral or a request for support for someone else can be made through the city’s Early Help and Safeguarding Hub. Click here to make a referral,
Alternatively for further information, please call Sophie on 01482 221425.

“It’s difficult to fully express in words the various ways in which you and the Bump2Baby project has supported me through pregnancy and early motherhood. In terms of the emotional and social impact, I know that I will always look back on this period in my life and remember that you were there to support my son and I through various challenges, and to provide us both with social settings in which my son could develop and I could feel a sense of belonging as a new mum. I will always count myself very lucky that I signed up to this programme” (Parent feedback – March 2020)
“When I came to Hull from Leeds I had no support and I rarely trusted any services or people around me. Sophie was so welcoming and friendly, she understood my situation and didn’t judge. I was going through thoughts of suicide at the time but being around Sophie and going to groups and gaining trust made me overcome these thoughts which gave me a purpose in life and made me realise my children all need me. Sophie helped me bond with my baby and the bond with my new born is strong” (Parent feedback – March 2020)
“Sophie introduced me to a group of lovely ladies and new babies and I have now found real friends. We have a group chat on WhatsApp and it keeps us connected and sane during lock down. The baby group has carried on through Zoom but it’s just like we are all in same room, we still we have a laugh, sing songs, do messy play, toy sessions and sensory play. Sophie has also given us activity packs and she is always a phone call away if we need her” (Parent feedback – March 2020)